Mwan Edo: International day for Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
Mwan Edo: International day for Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation February 6th 2021
FGM is a practice whose origin and significance is shrouded in secrecy, uncertainty and confusion. It is defined as all procedures which involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.
FGM is an unhealthy traditional practice inflicted on women and is widely recognized as a violation of human rights which is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and perceptions over decades and generations with no easy task for change. Subjection of our girls and women to FGM is legendary.
Nigeria due to its large population has the higher absolute number of cases of FGM worldwide accounting for about one quarter of the estimated 118-130 million circumcised women worldwide.
It’s origin is fraught with controversy either as an initiation ceremony into women hood to ensure virginity and curb promiscuity or to protect female modesty and chastity.
This procedure is carried out either by unskilled, old shriver, unclean men or women in dirty environment with no Anaesthesia or by medical personnels. It is a violation of the fundamental rights of females and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women.
It has no health benefits and could result in complications like Neurogenic shock, haemorrhage, infection, urinary retention, gynaetresia, retention cyst, sexual difficulties and dysfunction.
In labour such women can have prolonged obstructed labour, perineal lacerations, bleeding and urethral injuries.
The mental and psychological agony Attached to FGM is deemed the most serious complication as such women may end up becoming rigid, withdrawn resulting in marital disharmony.
We must say no to medicalization of FGM and any no health worker should be caught carrying out this act.
Finally there is need to abolish this unhealthy practice and a multidisciplinary approach involving the government, health worker, our women, community leaders, our men and the general public with emphasis on its dangers and undesirability of FGM is paramount.
No time for global inactions, let’s unite, fund and Act to end female genital mutilation!
Rape/GBV Commitee
2019-2021 Biennium