MWAN Edo state branch openS it’s First Mini Wellness clinic
Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria Edo state branch under the leadership of Dr Adesuwa Urhoghide-Edigin opened it’s First Mini Wellness clinic yesterday June 17th 2021. The President Commonwealth Medical Association Dr Osahon Enabulele accompanied by Edo NMA chairman Dr Harrison Omokhua commissioned for use the clinic. Also present were Mwan Edo past presidents and members.
Free breast and cancer screenings open to the public would hold in the clinic once every month.
The mini wellness clinic was supported by
1) Prime Opticals
2) Hon Ise Idehen House of Representatives Egor/Ikpoba okha
3) Yasee Biomedical
4) Med-vical International
5) Coka Pharmacy
6) Edo NMA